On ne peut pas dire que le développement de Planet Explorers avance bien vite.
Mais il y a encore un signe de vie.
Et selon eux le plus gros trucs de ce patch est la possibilité d'exporter son armure. SUPER
Changelist :
- Fixed player position consistency in multiplayer
- Fixed NPC falling to the ground in cliff mission
- Fixed issue with freezing animal group behavior
- Fixed disease cool down time issue
- Fixed issue with water display
- Updated pathfinding programming, allows for differences between small and large animals
- Added new bird behavior and animation
- Added new Paja robot animation, effects, and behavior
- Added building damage
- Added the chainsaw and related animation
- Added some new animation for first person view
- Added NPC wait and run behavior
- Added some new AI skills
- Added animal droppings
- Added custom armor export (single player only)
- Story can now proceed all the way to GRV ship